ADDept Manifesto

At ADDept, We Believe:

  • All brains, regardless of type, are innately and uniquely beautiful.

    We believe in the necessity and unique value of the diversity of our brains, their abilities, viewpoints, orientations, and structure. We celebrate the strength inherent in our internal and group variability.

  • ADHD brains are different, NOT deficient

    No single brain or type of brain is right, good, normal, or morally superior. Like all brains, ADHD brains have different pros and cons. But unlike many other brains, ADHD brains have particular strengths and weaknesses that are not supported and celebrated by our neurotypical world.

  • Productivity is a means to an end, not the end of our means.

    Productivity is important because it helps unlock the promise and beauty of our brains and allows us to share our gifts with others, all while uplifting ourselves. But being productive is not our end and final goal- living a life in line with our values, intentions, and goals is our ultimate purpose.

  • Community isn't just important, it's the lifeblood of our journey.

    Through genuine connections, the sharing of stories, strengths, vulnerabilities, and celebrations, we dismantle the walls of shame that hinder us from embracing our actual values, intentions, and goals. It is within these connections that we find the most potent remedy. Together, we create a tapestry of resilience, empowerment, and growth that propels us forward on our collective path.

  • Celebration is imperative.

    It is through the act of honoring our own and each other’s efforts, accomplishments, strengths, and differences that we wholeheartedly embrace the extraordinary power of our brains and ourselves. In our unwavering commitment to celebration, we embrace the transformative magic within us and unleash it upon the world.

  • Having Unique Needs Makes Us Human. Asking for Them Makes Us Exceptional.

    Advocating for what we truly need to support and honor our unique brains and how they naturally function creates a miraculous ripple effect. Not only does it give us the gift of greater ease and outcome, but we pave the way for others to have their needs acknowledged, supported, and celebrated.

  • Consistency is Overrated. Resiliency is our Special Sauce.

    Life throws curveballs, one after another— times change, systems break down, and schedules shift. That’s life. Where our magic lies is in our ability to navigate those twists, turns, ups, and downs- getting back on horses and jumping back on bandwagons, learning new lessons, and adapting each and every time.